




日頃よりNIKE 原宿をご愛顧いただきありがとうございます。



1230(金) OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 20:00

1231(土) OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 18:00 ※NIKE BY YOUは最終受付17:00まで



12(月) OPEN 10:00 CLOSE 18:00 ※NIKE BY YOUは最終受付17:00まで

13(火) OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 20:00

14(水) OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 20:00 (1/5以降 同様)



Nike Harajuku

















1. 自動車運転免許証

2. 写真付き学生証

3. マイナンバーカード(写真付き住民基本台帳カードも可)

4. パスポート

5. 外国人登録証

6. 在留資格カード

7. 障がい者手帳

8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card



・ お持ちのスマートフォン等の通信機器にコミュニケーションアプリ「LINE」をインストールしてください。また、LINEが最新バージョンであるかご確認ください。


・QRコードを読み取る、または、 友だち追加ボタンをタップする




1. 自動車運転免許証

2. 写真付き学生証

3. マイナンバーカード(写真付き住民基本台帳カードも可)

4. パスポート

5. 外国人登録証

6. 在留資格カード

7. 障がい者手帳

8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card




2. 応募、入店順番号の発行、入店時刻の通知は商品のご購入を約束するものではありません。抽選の結果順に入店のご案内をし、予定数の販売が完了した時点で販売を終了するため、ご購入いただけない場合もございます。



5. 応募はLINEを用いたエントリーのみとさせていただきます。LINEをご利用されていないお客様にはご不便をおかけいたしますが、スマートフォン等にLINEをインストールの上ご参加ください。なおLINEのご利用にあたっては、LINEの利用規約およびプライバシーポリシーをあらかじめご確認の上承諾される場合のみご利用ください。

6. 速やかなご案内を心掛けますが、フィッティング等により、予定時間からご案内までにお時間が掛かる場合がございます。

7. 製品のご購入は、お一人様、各品番・各カラーは一点までとなります。

8. ご入店およびご購入は、当選者ご本人様のみとなります。(状況によっては、お連れ様のご入店をお断りする場合もございます。)第三者への当選者の権利の譲渡、販売は固く禁止いたします。

9. グループでのまとめてのお会計はご遠慮させていただきます。

10. お並び頂く際の喫煙・飲酒などの行為は、他のお客様へのご迷惑となりますのでご遠慮下さい。お並び頂く際にでたゴミは各自でお持ち帰り頂きますようお願い致します。また店舗スタッフ及び警備員の指示に従っていただきますようお願い致します。指示に従って頂けない場合は、抽選参加・販売をお断りする場合もございます。

11. 深夜や早朝からお並び頂くことはご遠慮下さい。特に18歳未満については、条例により夜11時から早朝4時の間の深夜外出が制限されています。また、近隣にご迷惑がかかるような場合、トラブルなどが発生した場合には販売を中止させて頂く場合がございます。

12. 椅子や鞄などの物を使った場所取り、長時間列から離れるなど行為はご遠慮ください。


14. 通信料等の参加費用はお客様のご負担となります。メッセージの不到達を含む、機器、ネットワーク、アプリ等の技術上の不具合やエラーにつき、弊社は責任を負いません。

15. 当店の独自の裁量と判断により、事前に告知することなく、販売方法の変更および販売を中止させて頂く場合がございますこと、予めご了承下さい。

16. 株式会社ナイキジャパンにおける個人情報の取り扱いについては、ナイキプライバシーポリシーをご確認ください。(NIKEアプリ、又はのフッターよりご確認いただけます)  


-Application process to the drawing to enter the store-

・Order of entry to the store will be decided by drawing.

・The applicants shall use their own device to scan the QR code prepared at the store during the application window and apply on the application screen using Nike Japan's Official LINE account.

・Drawing will be performed once the application window is closed, and the winners will be notified with the date to visit the store as well as the number to enter the store and a QR code. Please make sure to visit the store at the specified time in the message.

Winning the drawing does not guarantee the winner to purchase the product. Please ensure to review [Notes] below for more details.

・The winners are required to present the QR code and the store entry number on your application screen on their device when entering the store. At the time of purchase, we will confirm the application screen on your device and your name on NIKE Member Pass on your device and identification card are the same. Your win as a result of the drawing will be deemed invalid, no matter what the case may be, in case the customer cannot be identified.

※The application details cannot be changed once submitted.

※QR code listed below will not be accepted.

1. The QR code forwarded from other device or account

2. A screenshot of a QR code

3. A print-out of a QR code

※Products cannot be sold unless your name registered on your NIKE Member account and your identification card (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji and/or alphabet) match.

※Please bring either one of the following identifications.

1. Driver's license

2. Student ID card with picture

3. My Number Card (Basic Resident Registration Card with picture is also accepted)

4. Passport

5. Alien Registration Certificate

6. Certificate of residence eligibility (Residency Card)

7. National Disability Identification Card

8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card

※ Expired ID card or a photocopy of your ID will not be accepted.

-What to prepare before entering into the drawing-

・Install the communication app "LINE" on your communication device, such as smartphone. Please also ensure that you have the latest version of the LINE app.

・Add "NIKE JAPAN" official account as your "Friend" using one of the below methods:

・Scan a QR code or tap "Add Friend" button

・Image of a QR code

・We will scan your NIKE Member Pass at the time of your purchase. If you have not registered as a NIKE member yet, please download our app, such as NIKE App, before submitting your application and register as a member.

※Please bring either one of the following identifications.

1. Driver's license

2. Student ID card with picture

3. My Number Card (Basic Resident Registration Card with picture is also accepted)

4. Passport

5. Alien Registration Certificate

6. Certificate of residence eligibility (Residency Card)

7. National Disability Identification Card

8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card

※ Expired ID card or a photocopy of your ID will not be accepted.


1. Each applicant can only submit one application. All your applications will be deemed invalid if any fraudulent activities are confirmed, including but not limited to one applicant using multiple devices to submit multiple applications.

2. Application, issuing the store entry number and notification of store entry time do not guarantee the purchase of a product. Some winners may be unable to purchase the product as they will be entering the store according to the drawing results and we will stop selling the products when planned units have sold out.

3. Once the planned units have sold out, we will make the announcement at the store or on our blog. In addition, you may be unable to purchase the preferred product and/or size depending on the order of your store entry.

4. You will be unable to enter the store if you visit the store outside of the designated time window or if you cannot present the QR code and store entry number on the LINE talk screen, NIKE Member Pass and your identification card.

5. You may only enter into the drawing through LINE. This might cause inconvenience to some customers who are not using LINE, but we appreciate your understanding and installing the LINE app on your smartphone or other device. Please ensure to read and agree the terms and conditions as well as privacy policy of LINE prior to using the service.

6. We will do our best to serve you as quickly as possible but it may take some time before serving you after you have entered the store in some cases, due to fitting, etc.

7. One customer is allowed to purchase no more than 1 style/color.

8. Only the winner him/herself can enter the store and purchase the product (We may need to ask your company to stay outside of the store in some cases). We strictly prohibit the winner's right to be transferred to a third party and the re-sell of the purchased product.

9. Group check-out will not be accepted.

10. Please refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol while waiting in the queue as it could disturb other customers. All garbage produced while waiting in the queue should be taken home. Furthermore, please kindly follow the guidance of our store staff and security guards at all time. If you refuse to comply their guidance, you may be asked not to enter into the drawing and purchasing the products.

11. Please refrain from making the queue later at night and early morning. Especially, individuals who are 17 years old and younger are restricted from staying outside between 11:00PM and 4:00AM by law. In cases of disturbance to the neighbors or any troubles, we may decide to terminate the sales.

12. Please refrain from securing your place with a chair or bag and leave the queue for extended period of time.

13. If you will drive to our store, please ensure to park your car at neighboring parking space. Our store will not be involved in nor be liable to any traffic offenses committed by our customers, such as parking at a no-parking area. Furthermore, we will not hold any responsibility for our customers missing the application windows to the drawing or the window to enter the store at all due to finding the space to park their car.

14. Customers shall pay the network fee charged to enter into the drawing. We will not hold any responsibility on technical defect of and error on, including but not limited to your device, network and app as well as not receiving our messages.

15. Please note that we may, at our sole discretion and decision, change how we sell our products or terminate the sale to the drawing winners without prior notice.

16. Please review NIKE Privacy Policy on how NIKE Japan Corp. will treat Personally Identifiable Information. (You may access our Privacy Policy from the footer of NIKE App or

17. We will refuse to sell if We see the delivery or catching of money inside or outside the store.



日頃よりNIKE 原宿をご愛顧いただきありがとうございます。



12月30日(木) 通常営業(OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 20:00)

12月31日(金) OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 18:00


1月1日(土) 店休日 

1月2日(日) 店休日 

1月3日(月) 通常営業(OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 20:00)以降同様


Nike Harajuku




7⽉23⽇から9⽉5⽇まで、ARコンテンツが体験できるイベント「URA-NIKE HARAJUKU」を実施中。


「もう⼀つのNike Harajuku」をコンセプトに、フィジカルとバーチャルが 融合したショーケースやフォトスポットなど、 ARで実現する「未来のスト ア」をぜひ体験してください。


また、ARコンテンツを体験するとオリジナル ARステッカーをプレゼント!

※お⼀⼈様⼀枚限り ※数に限りがあります。あらかじめご了承ください。

Nike Harajukuだけの特別な体験をお楽しみください!

なお、現在Nike Harajukuではお客様の安全を第⼀に考え、⼊場制限を実施 しています。事前に⼊店予約も承っていますのでご利⽤ください。



Nike Harajuku








217日から21日まで、ナイキ メンバーに感謝を込めて、5日間限定のスペシャルイベントを開催。

期間中に発売されるメンバー限定商品や音声ガイドラン チャレンジ、クリアランスなど、多彩な特典が登場。

まだメンバーではない人も、この機会にアプリをダウンロードして Member Days に参加しよう!



Nike Harajuku
















1. 自動車運転免許証

2. 写真付き学生証

3. マイナンバーカード(写真付き住民基本台帳カードも可)

4. パスポート

5. 外国人登録証

6. 在留資格カード

7. 身体障がい者手帳

8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card





QRコードを読み取る、または、 友だち追加ボタンをタップする




1. 自動車運転免許証

2. 写真付き学生証

3. マイナンバーカード(写真付き住民基本台帳カードも可)

4. パスポート

5. 外国人登録証

6. 在留資格カード

7. 身体障がい者手帳

8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card







5. 応募はLINEを用いたエントリーのみとさせていただきます。LINEをご利用されていないお客様にはご不便をおかけいたしますが、スマートフォン等にLINEをインストールの上ご参加ください。なおLINEのご利用にあたっては、LINEの利用規約およびプライバシーポリシーをあらかじめご確認の上承諾される場合のみご利用ください。

6. 速やかなご案内を心掛けますが、フィッティング等により、入店を開始してからご案内までにお時間が掛かる場合がございます。

7. 製品のご購入は、お一人様、各品番・各カラーは一点までとなります。

8. ご入店およびご購入は、当選者ご本人様のみとなります。(状況によっては、お連れ様のご入店をお断りする場合もございます。)第三者への当選者の権利の譲渡、販売は固く禁止いたします。

9. グループでのまとめてのお会計はご遠慮させていただきます。

10. お並び頂く際の喫煙、飲酒などの行為は、他のお客様へのご迷惑となりますのでご遠慮下さい。お並び頂く際にでたゴミは、各自でお持ち帰り頂きますようお願い致します。また店舗スタッフ及び警備員の指示に従っていただきますようお願い致します。指示に従って頂けない場合は、抽選参加・販売をお断りする場合もございます。

11. 深夜や早朝からお並び頂くことはご遠慮下さい。特に18歳未満については、条例により夜11時から早朝4時の間の深夜外出が制限されています。また、近隣にご迷惑がかかるような場合、トラブルなどが発生した場合には販売を中止させて頂く場合がございます。

12. 椅子や鞄などの物を使った場所取り、長時間列から離れるなど行為はご遠慮ください。

13. 当店の前の表参道沿いは駐車禁止区域となります。お車で来られるお客様は近隣の駐車場をご利用ください。なお、お客様の交通違反行為に、当店は一切関与せず、一切責任を負いません。また、駐車のために、抽選申込期間や販売時間に遅れても、当店は一切責任を負いません。

14. 通信料等の参加費用はお客様のご負担となります。メッセージの不到達を含む、機器、ネットワーク、アプリ等の技術上の不具合やエラーにつき、弊社は責任を負いません。

15. 当店の独自の裁量と判断により、事前に告知することなく、販売方法の変更および販売を中止させて頂く場合がございますこと、予めご了承下さい。

16. パルスクーポン以外のクーポンは使用不可となります。

c 2020 Nike,Inc. All Rights Reserved


-Application process to the drawing to enter the store-

Entry to the store will be decided by drawing.

The applicants shall scan the QR code prepared at the store during the application window and apply on the application screen using Nike Japan's Official LINE account. Then the QR code and drawing number will be issued for each applicant.

Once the application window is closed, the winners will be notified via LINE message from NIKE to enter the store in order, according to the drawing result. The winners may enter the store at the designated time window specified in the message.

The winners are required to present the QR code and the drawing number when entering the store. At the time of purchase, the winners will also be required to present the QR code and NIKE Member Pass on your device used to enter into the drawing as well as your identification card. Identification will be deemed invalid, no matter what the case may be, in case the customer cannot be identified.

QR code and drawing number listed below will not be accepted.

1. The QR code forwarded from other device or account

2. A screenshot of a QR code

3. A print-out of a QR code

Products cannot be sold unless your name registered on your NIKE Member account and your identification card (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji and/or alphabet) match.

Please bring either one of the following identifications.

1. Driver's license

2. Student ID card with picture

3. My Number Card (Basic Resident Registration Card with picture is also accepted)

4. Passport

5. Alien Registration Certificate

6. Certificate of residence eligibility (Residency Card)

7. National Disability Identification Card

8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card

Expired ID card or a copy of your ID will not be accepted.

-What to prepare before entering into the drawing-

Install the communication app "LINE" on your communication device, such as smartphone. Please also ensure that you have the latest version (10.19.0 or later) of the LINE app.

Add "NIKE JAPAN" official account as your "Friend" using one of the below methods:

Scan a QR code or tap "Add Friend" button

Image of a QR code

We will scan NIKE Member Pass at the time of your purchase. If you have not registered as a NIKE member yet, please download our app, such as NIKE App, and register as a member.

Please bring either one of the following identifications.

1. Driver's license

2. Student ID card with picture

3. My Number Card (Basic Resident Registration Card with picture is also accepted)

4. Passport

5. Alien Registration Certificate

6. Certificate of residence eligibility (Residency Card)

7. National Disability Identification Card

8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card

Expired ID card or a copy of your ID will not be accepted.


1. Each applicant can only submit one application. All drawing number will be deemed invalid if any fraudulent activities are confirmed, including but not limited to one applicant using multiple devices to obtain multiple drawing numbers.

2. Drawing number does not represents the number to enter the store.

3.The application and issuing the drawing number do not guarantee the applicant an entry to the store and purchase of the product. Some winners may be unable to purchase the product as they will be entering the store according the drawing results and we will stop selling the products when planned units have sold out. In addition, you may be unable to purchase the preferred product and/or size depending on when you will enter the store.

4. You will be unable to enter the store if you visit the store outside of the designated time window or if you cannot present the QR code and drawing number on the LINE talk screen.

5. You may only enter into the drawing through LINE. This might cause inconvenience to some customers who are not using LINE, but we appreciate your understanding and install the LINE app on your smartphone or other device. Please ensure to read and agree the terms and conditions as well as privacy policy of LINE prior to using the service.

6. We will do our best to serve you as quickly as possible but it may take some time before serving you after you have entered the store in some cases, due to fitting, etc.

7. One customer is allowed to purchase no more than 1 style/color.

8. Only the winner themselves can enter the store and purchase the product (We may need to ask your company to stay outside of the store in some cases). We strictly prohibit the winner's right to be transferred to a third party and the re-sell of the purchased product.

9. Group check-out will not be accepted.

10. Please refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol while waiting in the queue as it could disturb other customers. All garbage produced while waiting in the queue should be taken home. Furthermore, please kindly follow the guidance of our store staff and security guards at all time. If you refuse to comply their guidance, you may be asked not to enter into the drawing and purchasing the products.

11. Please refrain from making the queue later at night and early morning. Especially, individuals who are 17 years old and younger are restricted from staying outside between 11:00PM and 4:00AM by law. In cases of disturbance to the neighbors or any troubles, we may decide to terminate the sales.

12. Please refrain from securing your place with a chair or bag and leave the queue for extended period of time.

13. Omotesando street in front of our store is a no-parking zone. If you will drive to our store, please ensure to park your car at neighboring parking space. Our store will not be involved in nor be liable to any traffic offenses committed by our customers. Furthermore, we will not hold any responsible for our customers missing the application windows to the drawing or the window to enter the store at all due to finding the space to park their car.

14. Customers shall pay the network fee charged to enter into the drawing. We will not hold any responsibility on technical defect of and error on, including but not limited to your device, network and app as well as not receiving our messages.

15. Please note that we may, at our sole discretion and decision, change how we sell our products or terminate the sale to the drawing winners without prior notice.

16. NIKE Pulse coupon will be the only valid coupon.

c 2020 Nike,Inc. All Rights Reserved




日頃よりNIKE 原宿をご愛顧いただきありがとうございます。



1230() OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 19:00

1231() OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 18:00


11() 店休日 

12() 店休日 

13() OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 19:00

14() OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 19:00 (1/5以降 同様)



Nike Harajuku




いつもNike Harajukuをご利用いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。



Nike Harajuku




いつもNike Harajukuをご利用いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。



Nike Harajuku




いつもNike Harajukuをご利用いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。



Nike Harajuku