- SB
- Golf
- 03.28.2016 -通常販売-
- 03.28.2016 -抽選販売(Lottery Drawing)-
- 03.26.2016-AIR MAX HTM 販売方法
- 03.20.2016 -AIR MAX LD ZERO H 販売方法-
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SIZE 24-30cm
¥10,800(TAX IN)
Nike Harajuku


03.27,2016AIR JORDAN 5 RETRO
SIZE 26-29,30,31cm
¥21,060(TAX IN)
1. お並び頂く際には、店舗スタッフ及び警備員の指示に従って頂きますようお願い致します。指示に 従って頂けない場合は、販売をお断りする場合もございます。
2. お並び頂いた順に、店内にご案内させて頂きます。また、お並び頂いたお客様の状況によっては、整理券の配布をさせて頂く場合がございます。なお、この整理券はご案内する順番を明確にするものであり、ご購入をお約束するものではありません。
3. お並び頂いたお客様の状況によっては、開店時間が変更になる可能性がございます。
4. ご本人確認のため整理券配布の際に顔写真付きの身分証(コピー、期限切れ不可)の提示をお願い致します。顔写真付きの身分証をお持ちで無いお客様は、いかなる理由でも、整理券をお渡し出来ません。
1. 免許証
2. 写真付き学生証
3. 写真付き住民基本台帳カード
4. パスポート
5. 外国人登録証
6. 在留資格カード
7. 身体障がい者手帳
8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card
5. 速やかなご案内を心掛けますが、フィッティング等により、開店してからご案内までにお時間が掛かる場合がございます。
6. 上記記載の製品のご購入は、お一人様、各品番・各カラーは一点までとさせていただきます。
7. 数量限定の製品につきましては、ご入店の際に完売してしまう場合がございます。
8. お会計につきましては、お並び頂いたご本人様のみとなります。(状況によっては、お連れ様のご入場をお断りする場合もございます。)
9. *グループでのまとめてのご購入はご遠慮させていただきます。
10. お並び頂く際の喫煙、飲酒などの行為は、他のお客様へのご迷惑となりますのでご遠慮下さい。また、お並び頂く際にでたゴミは、各自でお持ち帰り頂きますようお願い致します。
11. 限定商品のお取置きは3月29日(火曜日)からのご対応とさせて頂きます。
12. 深夜や早朝からお並び頂くことはご遠慮下さい。また、近隣にご迷惑がかかるような場合、トラブルなどが発生した場合には販売を中止させて頂く場合がございます。
13. 椅子や鞄などの物を使った場所取り、長時間列から離れるなど行為はご遠慮ください。
14. 当店の前の表参道沿いは駐車禁止区域になりますので、お車で来られるお客様は、近隣の駐車場に止めてからご来店頂けますようお願い致します。なお、お客様の交通違反行為に、当店は一切関与せず、一切の責任も負いません。また、駐車のために、整理券配布や販売時間に遅れても、当店は一切責任を負いません。
15. 当店の独自の裁量と判断により、事前に告知することなく、販売方法の変更及び販売を中止させて頂く場合がございますこと、予めご了承下さい。
Please carefully review and acknowledge the following notes on the sale of the product before visiting our store.
1. Please follow the directions from the store and security staff as you queue up. We may refuse selling to those customers who do not follow our instructions.
2. You will be directed to enter the store in the order you line up. Depending upon how long the line is, we may distribute the numbered tickets; these numbered tickets are intended only to specify the order in which you will enter the store but not to guarantee your ability to purchase the product.
3. Depending upon how long the line is the store may change the time it opens.
4. Please show your identification with a face picture (copies and expired ID cards are not accepted). We will not distribute the numbered ticket to customers without identification with a face picture for any reason.
Please bring one of the following 8 identification cards:
1. Driver's license
2. Student ID card with picture
3. Basic Resident Registration Card with picture
4. Passport
5. Alien Registration Card
6. Certificate of resident eligibility
7. National Disability Identification Card
8. Armed Force Military Identification Card
*Expired ID cards or copy of your ID will not be accepted.
Identification will be deemed invalid no matter what the case may be, in case the customer cannot be identified.
5. We will do our best to serve you as swiftly as possible but please note that it may take some before we could serve you after the store opens, as we provide fitting services to the other customers.
6. The purchase quantity is limited to only 1 unit per style/color per customer.
7. The products sold in a limited quantity may be sold out as you enter the store.
8. Only the individuals, who actually line up, are allowed to pay at the cashier. (We may ask your companions to wait outside of the store under circumstances.)
9. *Bulk purchase by groups will not be allowed.
10. Please refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol and any other activity that may inconvenience the other customers. Please also take back home any trash you have while waiting in line.
11. Limited products may be reserved for pick-up starting on Mar 29. 2016.
12. Please refrain from queuing up from midnight or early morning. We may cancel the sale in case of neighborhood disturbance.
13. Please refrain from holding a place with a chair or bag, or leaving the queue for an extended period of time.
14. Parking is prohibited in the area on Omotesando in front of the store. If you are going to drive to the store, please park your car in a nearby parking space before visiting our store. We will not be involved or take any responsibility in case of your violation of the traffic laws. We will also take no responsibility for your failure to come to the store in time for numbered ticket distribution or start of the sale for parking related reasons.
15. We reserve the right to change the sales method or cancel the sale of the products at our sole discretion and judgment without any advance notice.
Nike Harajuku


03.27,2016AIR MAX ZERO
SIZE 26-29,30cm
¥17,280(TAX IN)
本応募は、日本時間 2016年 3月28日(月) 11時00分から20時00分まで、ナイキ原宿の店頭で受け付けております。
1. 免許証
2. 写真付き学生証
3. 写真付き住民基本台帳カード
4. パスポート
5. 外国人登録証
6. 在留資格カード
7. 身体障がい者手帳
8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card
応募締切後、ナイキ原宿による厳正な抽選のもと当選者を選出します。当選者の発表は、応募者のNIKE+アカウント に登録いただいたメールアドレスへの、Eメールをもって代えさせていただきます。当選結果は、ご応募いただいたすべての方へご連絡させていただきます。なお、Eメールを受信できるよう、事前に「nike.jp」のドメイン解除をお願いいたします。また、メールがお送り出来ない場合は当選が無効となる場合もございますので、ご了承ください。
本応募に関わる一切の事項は日本法が適用され、不正行為、ウイルス、その他技術的な問題等、何らかの理由で本応募の運営、安全または管理が妨げられた場合には、ナイキ原宿は独自の裁量で、(a)応募販売を中止・終了する、(b)応募販売を一時中断して障害を解決し、その後、本応募規約の趣旨に最も則した方法で再開する、あるいは、(c) 障害発生時までに受理した適格な応募の中から判断基準に基づいて当選者を選考することができます。ナイキ原宿は、応募プロセスや本応募の運営に不正に干渉している、あるいは本応募規約に違反して、もしくは混乱を招くような行動をしていると見られる応募者を独断で失格にする権利を保有します。本応募の合法的な運営を妨害しようとする試みは、それが誰のものであれ刑法および民法の違反となる可能性があり、そのような試みが行われた場合、ナイキ原宿はその試みを行った当事者に法律で認められる最大範囲の損害賠償を請求する権利を保有します。本応募に参加することによって、応募者はナイキグループ、その幹部、取締役員、社員および代理人(以下、被免責当事者といいます)を、本応募への参加またはナイキ製品の販売に起因する(a)本応募に対する無許可の人的介入、(b)コンピューター、サーバー、プロバイダーまたは電話・ネットワーク回線における技術的エラー、(c)誤植、(d)メールによる連絡の遅延、発送先間違い、または送達不可による返送、(e)本応募の管理または応募処理のミス、あるいは (f)応募者の本応募への参加、当選もしくは当選した権利の利用に直接的または間接的、および全体的または部分的に起因する可能性のある個人または所有物の怪我または損傷など(これに限定されない)の損害に対する請求または訴因から免責し、無害に保つことに同意します。また、当該同意者は、いかなる訴因においても、被免責当事者の責任には弁護士費用を支払う義務がないことに同意します。また、当該同意者は懲罰的、結果的、直接的または間接的に生じる損害に対する賠償を請求する権利を放棄し、当該同意者は被免責当事者が明示または黙示を問わず、また事実上でも法律上でも、当選した権利に関する保証または表明を一切していないことに同意します。
© 2015 Nike,Inc. All Rights Reserved
The product shown above will be sold to those selected in a drawing. Please review the following Terms of Application (hereafter called the "Terms") before entering into the drawing. By applying for the drawing, the entrants agree to be fully and unconditionally bound by these Rules and the decisions of Nike Harajuku. The applicants are required to meet all the conditions stated in the Terms.
Application Time and Date:
The application is accepted in Nike Harajuku store from 11:00 to 20:00 on
Mar 28. 2016.
Application Process:
Only customers with own Nike+ account are eligible to enter into the drawing.
NIKE+ account can be created for free of charge. (Please go to here to sing up for Nike+.)
The applicants shall come to Nike Harajuku store in person during the application window and enter into the drawing from the designated device. Only one entry is permitted per customer.
You will be requested to present your ID with a face picture (no copy is accepted) upon application to confirm your identification.
Please note that if you do not have or bring your ID with you (no copy is accepted), you will not be eligible to enter into the drawing.
Please bring either one of the following 8 identification cards:
1. Driver's license
2. Student ID card with picture
3. Basic Resident Registration Card with picture
4. Passport
5. Alien Registration Card
6. Certificate of resident eligibility
7. National Disability Identification Card
8. Armed Force Military Identification Card
*Expired ID cards or copy of your ID will not be accepted.
Identification will be deemed invalid no matter what the case may be, in case the customer cannot be identified.
Announcement of Drawing Winners:
Once the application window is closed, Nike Harajuku store will select the winners by strict drawing. The winners will be notified via email to the email address registered on the applicants' Nike+ account. All the applicants will receive notification regarding the result of the drawing. Please remove block on our "nike.jp" domain in advance to ensure you receive these notification e-mails. Please note that you may be disqualified if the email notification fails to be received.
Handover of the Product to the Drawing Winners:
Please come to Nike Harajuku store within the handover period specified in the winner announcement e-mail. If you fail to come to the store during said handover period, we will assume that you wish to cancel the booking. At the time of purchase, please present your ID with a face picture (no copy allowed) and the "Confirmation Page" in the winner announcement email for identification. The winner announcement email forwarded to another device or screenshot thereof will not be accepted.
Please note that you may not select another product for purchase and the product may not be exchanged or returned once purchased.
Other Terms:
All matters pertinent to the application are governed by the Japanese laws and regulations. In the event that the operation, safety and/or management of the application is compromised for some reason, including but not limited to fraudulent activities, computer viruses and other technical issues, Nike Harajuku may, at its sole discretion, 1) cancel or terminate the sale to the drawing winners, 2) suspend the sale to the drawing winners to resolve the situation then resume the sale in a manner that is most aligned with the intent of the Terms or 3) select the winners from the eligible applications received up to the occurrence of the problem. Nike Harajuku also reserves the right to disqualify, at its sole discretion, the applicants, who are deemed to be illegally tampering with the application process or operation, in violation of these Terms or acting in such ways to cause confusion to the others. Any attempt to obstruct the lawful management of this application process, regardless of who makes such attempt, may be in breach of criminal and civil laws. Should such attempt be made, Nike Harajuku reserves the right to claim the maximum damages against the perpetrator(s) to the extent permitted by relevant laws. By applying for this drawing, the applicants agree to release and hold harmless Nike Group and their officers, directors, employees and agents (hereafter called the "Waived Parties") from all claims or cause of action arising in relation to application for the drawing or sale of Nike products, including but not limited to (a)unwarranted human intervention with the application, (b)technical errors with the computers, servers, providers or telephones/network, (c)printing errors, (d)delay in email notification, incorrect recipient or return of the e-mail because of sending errors,(e) missteps in the management or processing of this application, (f) injury or loss of the individuals or properties that may be sustained directly or indirectly, and in part or in entirety, by participating in the drawing, being selected as the winner in the drawing and/or exercising the right as the winner thereto.
The waiving party agrees that the Waived Parties are not liable to pay attorney fees for any cause of action. The waiving party also relinquishes the right to claim punitive, consequential, direct or incidental damages, and agrees that the Waived Parties have not explicitly or implicitly, and factually or legally, guaranteed and made any representation about the rights of the drawing winners.
Applicant's Personal Information:
The information provided by the applicants is subject to Nike Japan's Personal Information Protection Policy. Please find this Nike Digital Privacy Policy.
© 2015 Nike,Inc. All Rights Reserved
Nike Harajuku


03.25,2016AIR MAX LD ZERO H
SIZE 24-29,30cm
¥27,000(TAX IN)
SIZE 24-29,30cm
¥32,400(TAX IN)
SIZE 24-29,30cm
¥23,760(TAX IN)
本応募は、日本時間 2016年 3月26日(土) 11時00分から20時00分まで、ナイキ原宿の店頭で受け付けております。
1. 免許証
2. 写真付き学生証
3. 写真付き住民基本台帳カード
4. パスポート
5. 外国人登録証
6. 在留資格カード
7. 身体障がい者手帳
8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card
応募締切後、ナイキ原宿による厳正な抽選のもと当選者を選出します。当選者の発表は、応募者のNIKE+アカウント に登録いただいたメールアドレスへの、Eメールをもって代えさせていただきます。当選結果は、ご応募いただいたすべての方へご連絡させていただきます。なお、Eメールを受信できるよう、事前に「nike.jp」のドメイン解除をお願いいたします。また、メールがお送り出来ない場合は当選が無効となる場合もございますので、ご了承ください。
お渡し期間 2016年3月28日(月) 11:00~4/3(日) 20:00迄
本応募に関わる一切の事項は日本法が適用され、不正行為、ウイルス、その他技術的な問題等、何らかの理由で本応募の運営、安全または管理が妨げられた場合には、ナイキ原宿は独自の裁量で、(a)応募販売を中止・終了する、(b)応募販売を一時中断して障害を解決し、その後、本応募規約の趣旨に最も則した方法で再開する、あるいは、(c) 障害発生時までに受理した適格な応募の中から判断基準に基づいて当選者を選考することができます。ナイキ原宿は、応募プロセスや本応募の運営に不正に干渉している、あるいは本応募規約に違反して、もしくは混乱を招くような行動をしていると見られる応募者を独断で失格にする権利を保有します。本応募の合法的な運営を妨害しようとする試みは、それが誰のものであれ刑法および民法の違反となる可能性があり、そのような試みが行われた場合、ナイキ原宿はその試みを行った当事者に法律で認められる最大範囲の損害賠償を請求する権利を保有します。本応募に参加することによって、応募者はナイキグループ、その幹部、取締役員、社員および代理人(以下、被免責当事者といいます)を、本応募への参加またはナイキ製品の販売に起因する(a)本応募に対する無許可の人的介入、(b)コンピューター、サーバー、プロバイダーまたは電話・ネットワーク回線における技術的エラー、(c)誤植、(d)メールによる連絡の遅延、発送先間違い、または送達不可による返送、(e)本応募の管理または応募処理のミス、あるいは (f)応募者の本応募への参加、当選もしくは当選した権利の利用に直接的または間接的、および全体的または部分的に起因する可能性のある個人または所有物の怪我または損傷など(これに限定されない)の損害に対する請求または訴因から免責し、無害に保つことに同意します。また、当該同意者は、いかなる訴因においても、被免責当事者の責任には弁護士費用を支払う義務がないことに同意します。また、当該同意者は懲罰的、結果的、直接的または間接的に生じる損害に対する賠償を請求する権利を放棄し、当該同意者は被免責当事者が明示または黙示を問わず、また事実上でも法律上でも、当選した権利に関する保証または表明を一切していないことに同意します。
© 2015 Nike,Inc. All Rights Reserved
The product shown above will be sold to those selected in a drawing. Please review the following Terms of Application (hereafter called the "Terms") before entering into the drawing. By applying for the drawing, the entrants agree to be fully and unconditionally bound by these Rules and the decisions of Nike Harajuku. The applicants are required to meet all the conditions stated in the Terms.
Application Time and Date:
The application is accepted in Nike Harajuku store from 11:00 to 20:00 on
Mar 26. 2016.
Application Process:
Only customers with own Nike+ account are eligible to enter into the drawing.
NIKE+ account can be created for free of charge. (Please go to here to sing up for Nike+.)
The applicants shall come to Nike Harajuku store in person during the application window and enter into the drawing from the designated device. Only one entry is permitted per customer.
You will be requested to present your ID with a face picture (no copy is accepted) upon application to confirm your identification.
Please note that if you do not have or bring your ID with you (no copy is accepted), you will not be eligible to enter into the drawing.
Please bring either one of the following 8 identification cards:
1. Driver's license
2. Student ID card with picture
3. Basic Resident Registration Card with picture
4. Passport
5. Alien Registration Card
6. Certificate of resident eligibility
7. National Disability Identification Card
8. Armed Force Military Identification Card
*Expired ID cards or copy of your ID will not be accepted.
Identification will be deemed invalid no matter what the case may be, in case the customer cannot be identified.
Announcement of Drawing Winners:
Distribution schedule: From 11:00a.m on March 28 2016 Monday until 20:00p.m on April 3rd 2016 Sunday.
Once the application window is closed, Nike Harajuku store will select the winners by strict drawing. The winners will be notified via email to the email address registered on the applicants' Nike+ account. All the applicants will receive notification regarding the result of the drawing. Please remove block on our "nike.jp" domain in advance to ensure you receive these notification e-mails. Please note that you may be disqualified if the email notification fails to be received.
Handover of the Product to the Drawing Winners:
Please come to Nike Harajuku store within the handover period specified in the winner announcement e-mail. If you fail to come to the store during said handover period, we will assume that you wish to cancel the booking. At the time of purchase, please present your ID with a face picture (no copy allowed) and the "Confirmation Page" in the winner announcement email for identification. The winner announcement email forwarded to another device or screenshot thereof will not be accepted.
Please note that you may not select another product for purchase and the product may not be exchanged or returned once purchased.
Other Terms:
All matters pertinent to the application are governed by the Japanese laws and regulations. In the event that the operation, safety and/or management of the application is compromised for some reason, including but not limited to fraudulent activities, computer viruses and other technical issues, Nike Harajuku may, at its sole discretion, 1) cancel or terminate the sale to the drawing winners, 2) suspend the sale to the drawing winners to resolve the situation then resume the sale in a manner that is most aligned with the intent of the Terms or 3) select the winners from the eligible applications received up to the occurrence of the problem. Nike Harajuku also reserves the right to disqualify, at its sole discretion, the applicants, who are deemed to be illegally tampering with the application process or operation, in violation of these Terms or acting in such ways to cause confusion to the others. Any attempt to obstruct the lawful management of this application process, regardless of who makes such attempt, may be in breach of criminal and civil laws. Should such attempt be made, Nike Harajuku reserves the right to claim the maximum damages against the perpetrator(s) to the extent permitted by relevant laws. By applying for this drawing, the applicants agree to release and hold harmless Nike Group and their officers, directors, employees and agents (hereafter called the "Waived Parties") from all claims or cause of action arising in relation to application for the drawing or sale of Nike products, including but not limited to (a)unwarranted human intervention with the application, (b)technical errors with the computers, servers, providers or telephones/network, (c)printing errors, (d)delay in email notification, incorrect recipient or return of the e-mail because of sending errors,(e) missteps in the management or processing of this application, (f) injury or loss of the individuals or properties that may be sustained directly or indirectly, and in part or in entirety, by participating in the drawing, being selected as the winner in the drawing and/or exercising the right as the winner thereto.
The waiving party agrees that the Waived Parties are not liable to pay attorney fees for any cause of action. The waiving party also relinquishes the right to claim punitive, consequential, direct or incidental damages, and agrees that the Waived Parties have not explicitly or implicitly, and factually or legally, guaranteed and made any representation about the rights of the drawing winners.
Applicant's Personal Information:
The information provided by the applicants is subject to Nike Japan's Personal Information Protection Policy. Please find this Nike Digital Privacy Policy.
© 2015 Nike,Inc. All Rights Reserved
Nike Harajuku


SIZE 24-29,30cm
¥23,760(TAX IN)
本応募は、日本時間 2016年 3月24日(木曜日) 11時00分から20時00分まで、ナイキ原宿の店頭で受け付けております。
1. 免許証
2. 写真付き学生証
3. 写真付き住民基本台帳カード
4. パスポート
5. 外国人登録証
6. 在留資格カード
7. 身体障がい者手帳
8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card
応募締切後、ナイキ原宿による厳正な抽選のもと当選者を選出します。当選者の発表は、応募者のNIKE+アカウント に登録いただいたメールアドレスへの、Eメールをもって代えさせていただきます。当選結果は、ご応募いただいたすべての方へご連絡させていただきます。なお、Eメールを受信できるよう、事前に「nike.jp」のドメイン解除をお願いいたします。また、メールがお送り出来ない場合は当選が無効となる場合もございますので、ご了承ください。
お渡し期間 2016年3月26日(土) 10:00~4/3(日) 20:00迄
※ 2016年3月26日 のみ「AIR MAX CON」会場(原宿)でのお引取りとなります。
「MAX CON」会場はこちら
3/26(土)のみAIR MAX CONイベント会場(原宿)。
*3/26(土)引き取りのお客様は「AIR MAX CON」イベント参加登録も合わせてお願いいたします。参加登録はこちら
本応募に関わる一切の事項は日本法が適用され、不正行為、ウイルス、その他技術的な問題等、何らかの理由で本応募の運営、安全または管理が妨げられた場合には、ナイキ原宿は独自の裁量で、(a)応募販売を中止・終了する、(b)応募販売を一時中断して障害を解決し、その後、本応募規約の趣旨に最も則した方法で再開する、あるいは、(c) 障害発生時までに受理した適格な応募の中から判断基準に基づいて当選者を選考することができます。ナイキ原宿は、応募プロセスや本応募の運営に不正に干渉している、あるいは本応募規約に違反して、もしくは混乱を招くような行動をしていると見られる応募者を独断で失格にする権利を保有します。本応募の合法的な運営を妨害しようとする試みは、それが誰のものであれ刑法および民法の違反となる可能性があり、そのような試みが行われた場合、ナイキ原宿はその試みを行った当事者に法律で認められる最大範囲の損害賠償を請求する権利を保有します。本応募に参加することによって、応募者はナイキグループ、その幹部、取締役員、社員および代理人(以下、被免責当事者といいます)を、本応募への参加またはナイキ製品の販売に起因する(a)本応募に対する無許可の人的介入、(b)コンピューター、サーバー、プロバイダーまたは電話・ネットワーク回線における技術的エラー、(c)誤植、(d)メールによる連絡の遅延、発送先間違い、または送達不可による返送、(e)本応募の管理または応募処理のミス、あるいは (f)応募者の本応募への参加、当選もしくは当選した権利の利用に直接的または間接的、および全体的または部分的に起因する可能性のある個人または所有物の怪我または損傷など(これに限定されない)の損害に対する請求または訴因から免責し、無害に保つことに同意します。また、当該同意者は、いかなる訴因においても、被免責当事者の責任には弁護士費用を支払う義務がないことに同意します。また、当該同意者は懲罰的、結果的、直接的または間接的に生じる損害に対する賠償を請求する権利を放棄し、当該同意者は被免責当事者が明示または黙示を問わず、また事実上でも法律上でも、当選した権利に関する保証または表明を一切していないことに同意します。
© 2015 Nike,Inc. All Rights Reserved
The product shown above will be sold to those selected in a drawing. Please review the following Terms of Application (hereafter called the "Terms") before entering into the drawing. By applying for the drawing, the entrants agree to be fully and unconditionally bound by these Rules and the decisions of Nike Harajuku. The applicants are required to meet all the conditions stated in the Terms.
Application Time and Date:
The application is accepted in Nike Harajuku store from 11:00a.m to 20:00p.m on
Mar 24. 2016.
Kindly be advised that the site where you can receive your shoes will change depending upon the day you visit our sites. Please read the following guidance and visit the site during the designated period of time.
Application Process:
Only customers with own Nike+ account are eligible to enter into the drawing.
NIKE+ account can be created for free of charge. (Please go to here to sing up for Nike+.)
The applicants shall come to Nike Harajuku store in person during the application window and enter into the drawing from the designated device. Only one entry is permitted per customer.
You will be requested to present your ID with a face picture (no copy is accepted) upon application to confirm your identification.
Please note that if you do not have or bring your ID with you (no copy is accepted), you will not be eligible to enter into the drawing.
Please bring either one of the following 8 identification cards:
1. Driver's license
2. Student ID card with picture
3. Basic Resident Registration Card with picture
4. Passport
5. Alien Registration Card
6. Certificate of resident eligibility
7. National Disability Identification Card
8. Armed Force Military Identification Card
*Expired ID cards or copy of your ID will not be accepted.
Identification will be deemed invalid no matter what the case may be, in case the customer cannot be identified.
Announcement of Drawing Winners:
Once the application window is closed, Nike Harajuku store will select the winners by strict drawing. The winners will be notified via email to the email address registered on the applicants' Nike+ account. All the applicants will receive notification regarding the result of the drawing. Please remove block on our "nike.jp" domain in advance to ensure you receive these notification e-mails. Please note that you may be disqualified if the email notification fails to be received.
Handover of the Product to the Drawing Winners:
Distribution schedule: From 10:00a.m on March 24 2016 Saturday until 20:00p.m on April 3rd 2016 Sunday.
• The location to receive the item will be at AIR MAX CON site of Harajuku only on March 26th 2016.
Click here to check the location of MAX CON site.
The location to visit:
On March 26 Saturday: At AIR MAX CON event site at Harajuku.
From March 27th Sunday to April 3rd Sunday: At Nike Harajuku as usual.
Please come to Nike Harajuku store within the handover period specified in the winner announcement e-mail. If you fail to come to the store during said handover period, we will assume that you wish to cancel the booking. At the time of purchase, please present your ID with a face picture (no copy allowed) and the "Confirmation Page" in the winner announcement email for identification. The winner announcement email forwarded to another device or screenshot thereof will not be accepted.
Please note that you may not select another product for purchase and the product may not be exchanged or returned once purchased.
Other Terms:
All matters pertinent to the application are governed by the Japanese laws and regulations. In the event that the operation, safety and/or management of the application is compromised for some reason, including but not limited to fraudulent activities, computer viruses and other technical issues, Nike Harajuku may, at its sole discretion, 1) cancel or terminate the sale to the drawing winners, 2) suspend the sale to the drawing winners to resolve the situation then resume the sale in a manner that is most aligned with the intent of the Terms or 3) select the winners from the eligible applications received up to the occurrence of the problem. Nike Harajuku also reserves the right to disqualify, at its sole discretion, the applicants, who are deemed to be illegally tampering with the application process or operation, in violation of these Terms or acting in such ways to cause confusion to the others. Any attempt to obstruct the lawful management of this application process, regardless of who makes such attempt, may be in breach of criminal and civil laws. Should such attempt be made, Nike Harajuku reserves the right to claim the maximum damages against the perpetrator(s) to the extent permitted by relevant laws. By applying for this drawing, the applicants agree to release and hold harmless Nike Group and their officers, directors, employees and agents (hereafter called the "Waived Parties") from all claims or cause of action arising in relation to application for the drawing or sale of Nike products, including but not limited to (a)unwarranted human intervention with the application, (b)technical errors with the computers, servers, providers or telephones/network, (c)printing errors, (d)delay in email notification, incorrect recipient or return of the e-mail because of sending errors,(e) missteps in the management or processing of this application, (f) injury or loss of the individuals or properties that may be sustained directly or indirectly, and in part or in entirety, by participating in the drawing, being selected as the winner in the drawing and/or exercising the right as the winner thereto.
The waiving party agrees that the Waived Parties are not liable to pay attorney fees for any cause of action. The waiving party also relinquishes the right to claim punitive, consequential, direct or incidental damages, and agrees that the Waived Parties have not explicitly or implicitly, and factually or legally, guaranteed and made any representation about the rights of the drawing winners.
Applicant's Personal Information:
The information provided by the applicants is subject to Nike Japan's Personal Information Protection Policy. Please find this Nike Digital Privacy Policy.
© 2015 Nike,Inc. All Rights Reserved
Nike Harajuku

